2017 Inklings Book Contest finalist: Kaia Lucas

2017 Inklings Book Contest finalist: Kaia Lucas

Today we are featuring Inklings Book Contest 2017 finalist, Kaia Lucas! Kaia finished 2nd grade this past school year. The story she submitted is called “Kirlia and the Dragon” We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did!
Leave a comment below on what you thought!


Kirlia and the Dragon

by Kaia Lucas

+++++Once there was a girl named Kirlia. She was 9 years old and had a mischievous older brother named Nathan. They loved to play tricks on each other. One moonlit night while Nathan was asleep, she set to work on her latest trick on him. This time she set a bucket, attached by a hose to the sink, on the shelf above his bed. When he moved, the bucket would tip and he would get drenched in water.

+++++First, she phoned her friends, Kiki, Ben, Laila, and Tiffany. As soon as they arrived, she set to work pulling ropes. “Kiki, hammer those nails a bit quicker, we don’t have all night.”

+++++But Tiffany, (“oh-so-strangely”) wasn’t there. Kirlia texted her to make sure she was okay. Luckily, she was. She just forgot their plan, as usual, and had gone to sleep. When Tiffany finally arrived, they were almost done with their project.

+++++“Tada!” Said Kirlia, “Now we have to wait for Nathan to wake up!” A few long, dreadful, hours later…BRRIIINNNGGG!!! Kirlia giggled, “This is going to be so funny!” She said.

+++++“Kirlia! COME HERE THIS INSTANT!” Yelled Nathan.

+++++“Why should I?” said Kirlia.

+++++“I said, COME HERE THIS INSTANT!” Shouted Nathan.

+++++“Why should I?” she asked again. Suddenly, their fighting was silenced by a huge roar.

+++++“Huh?” Kirlia wondered. She peeked outside. “AAAHHH!!! DRAGON!!”

+++++“Huh?!” asked Nathan. “A dragon? But I’m sure they aren’t real.”

+++++“Apparently, they are,” said Kirlia

+++++“No, they can’t be! It’s impossible,” argued Nathan.

+++++“Are too.” Said Kirlia in her oh-I’m-so-innocent voice, trying to stop her brother’s arguing.

+++++“Are no… AAAHHH!” The dragon started breathing fire on the house!

+++++“Everybody run for your lives!” But then a strong wind blasted out of the dragon’s mouth, blowing Kirlia and her friends away.


+++++“Oww,” Kirlia groaned, “Where are we?”

+++++“In the forest,” said Laila. They were deep in the forest next to Kirlia’s house.

+++++“Oh! That dragon must be the mother of the legendary dragon egg,” said Kirlia. She had heard the story of the legendary dragon egg when she was just two years old. There was a mother dragon with her egg, but the beaked dragon came and stole the egg and put it deep into the forest.

+++++“What’s the legendary dragon egg?” Ben asked.

+++++“It’s a special egg that has great powers!” Exclaimed Kirlia, “But it was stolen from its mother a long time ago.”

+++++“Oh no,” said Laila, turning white, “Let’s go now!”

+++++A little way into the forest they found a clearing. Kirlia told her friends to search the clearing. As they searched, Kiki said, “where is it?” Laila held up the egg. “Ha! Found it!” Suddenly, they heard a deafening roar. It was the beaked dragon!

+++++“Oh no!” Kirlia shouted. Just then, the egg started to hatch. Kirlia and her friends gasped. The beaked dragon nipped at the baby. The baby thudded to the ground, (it was a baby, after all) as it struggled to get up, the beaked dragon lunged at him, but because the baby was a special legendary dragon with great powers, it fought back by sending out an energy bomb. The beaked dragon flew fearfully away into the sky.

+++++“Now let’s go home and return the baby to its mother,” said Laila. It took a while, but as soon as they got home, the baby dragon leaped into its mother’s arms. Kirlia smiled watching them as they (miraculously) cuddled together.