
How can you stick to your writing goals this summer? Many of our Inklings find that having a writing friend or group of writing friends is part of what keeps them pushing forward. Whether you choose to work with a writing partner or a writing club, whether you choose to make your meetings formal or on the fly, you can create a writing club that works for you! At Society of Young Inklings, we offer Writer’s Circles, which is one sort of Writer’s Club. Even if you’re in a Writer’s Circle, we recommend that you look for your two or three kindred spirits, the writers will stick with you even when you’re not in a structured group.

How do you find these friends, and when you do, what should you do to help one another?  In today’s live session, we’ll tackle all the questions you’ll need to consider as you set up your own Writer’s Club this summer. You can join us live on Facebook every Tuesday at 2:30 pm PT, or catch up any time here on our blog.



Don’t miss this week’s free printable worksheet, a cheat sheet to help you share feedback with your fellow writers in a constructive, practical way.


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