
To you, our creative, courageous friends-

As we enter the week of Thanksgiving, we wanted to send out a heartfelt thank you.

Whether you’re just dipping your toe into our Society or have been writing with us for years, we’re delighted that you’re here.

Whatever role you play in our community, be it youth writer, educator, parent, mentor, intern, volunteer, advocate, or more, Society of Young Inklings exists because of the ways you say yes and engage.

That’s worth repeating. Society of Young Inklings isn’t a program or a class or a library of resources. We’re a community, and without you and the many ways you engage, we wouldn’t exist.

  • What would our Inklings Book Contest be if no one entered?
  • What use would the Ink Splat be if authors didn’t say yes when invited to share their insight? Or if our Inklings didn’t absorb that writerly wisdom and take it back to their own projects?
  • How would passionate youth writers know they could mentor with an author if educators and other Inklings community members didn’t spread the word about their experiences?

When you show up and take part, you invest time, energy, and enthusiasm in the idea that stories matter––ALL stories matter. Those stories include the story of our newest published Inkling, the story of each next Inkling-to-be, and most especially, the story of your experience at Society of Young Inklings.

That’s why today, my heart is so full of gratitude as I write this letter of thanks.

Thank you for making Society of Young Inklings a thriving community, where writers are inspired and challenged, where they dream big dreams and make those dreams come true. Thank you for saying yes and making this collective dream a reality.

With love and gratitude,


Naomi Kinsman

Founder and Executive Director

Society of Young Inklings

Thank you for considering an investment in youth and the development of their voices. Support us with a financial donation of any amount. Donations help us with outreach, volunteer training, and support our free annual Inklings Book Contest.

Thank you, so much, for helping youth writers thrive.

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