
Today we are featuring Inklings Book Contest 2020 finalist, Alice Blendea! Alice finished 4th grade this past school year. The poem she submitted is called “Dungeons and Dragons”  Alice told us she loved getting to create a series of haiku poems about her favorite game.


Beat questmate Warlock

Chasing after something fast,

I get it, I win!


The warlock is big,

He is mad, and he is out

Of breath. He is old.


I am young and free,

Love music and performing,

I have low A.C.


Remember that I 

Can deal damage with insults,

Have your wisdom thrive.


Fighters do deal more

Damage, but I can stealth well.

Thick armor isn’t great.


Holding the red ball,

Red, big, bouncy, and awesome,

I become obsessed.


I take it to a

Small kingdom. Steal all the balls. 

I laugh—Victory!


Screaming from Warlock,

Screams from Warrior, Master,

I am smiling wide.


Warlock tires of 

My obsession with

Big, red, bouncy balls.


I don’t care. I love

Winning. Dungeons and

Dragons is the best.



Join us for Summer Camp!

We’re inviting passionate young writers to join us on Zoom for writerly summer camp experiences. Each camp will include skill-building activities, time for drafting, and collaboration with peers.