
Today we are featuring Inklings Book Contest 2020 finalist, Sriaditi Yellamraju! Sriaditi finished 6th grade this past school year. The poem she submitted is called “Months of the Year.”  Enjoy!


January we are back from break
Everyone’s mind is sort of awake

February is the month of love
All Valentines makes you fly like a dove

March is full of green
Luck & clovers and everything between

April is when it  showers
Oh look so many flowers

May, the plants start to bloom
Rose, daisy and even mushroom

June weather gets hot
School is out so we now enjoy a lot

July, America’s proud
Fireworks start and burst out loud

August school begins
Brand new classroom, you got to jump in

September might be boring
he sounds of the winds and people snoring

October gives quite the scare
Princesses, devils and maybe a bear

November is the month to be thankful
All the food stuffs you a mouthful

December will be full of cheer and chilly
So many presents, don’t be so greedy

Every month has its own charm
Making the full year so cool, warm and calm!   


Join us for Summer Camp!

We’re inviting passionate young writers to join us on Zoom for writerly summer camp experiences. Each camp will include skill-building activities, time for drafting, and collaboration with peers.