
Today we are featuring Inklings Book Contest 2019 finalist, Claire Wong! Claire finished 7th grade this past school year. We asked which element of her poem was her favorite. She said, “The hidden easter eggs in both the wording and the format.” The poem she submitted is called “Shoes” 


By Claire Wong

The fine and smooth dress shoes
Of those tapping and pacing
Underneath their eyes are bags
All to provide for a roof on someone’s head

The torn, battered, heavy-duty boots
Of those who have seen so much
They hold each other with strong hands
To protect those that sleep miles away and safe
The soft and light satin slippers
Of those dancing swans that grace the stage
They smile and look gracefully effortless
But underneath are beat up feet

The silent soles walking in hallways
Of the soul that took too many innocents
The pop of bullets create deadly rain
As friends of the fallen scream

The shiny and polished leather with added height
Of leaders with twisted false grins
Their words are too slick and polished
And social media feeds us all their lies

And last but not least
And your converse, sandals, sneakers, or more
Have the power to change the outcome of this world
Can support those who are trying to help or provide for others
Can protest for gun control, against bad leaders, and more
Can start now and make a difference today
In your own

Wondering how to support the youth writer in your life? We can help! Check out our cheat-sheet below which will help you have creative, writerly conversations with your Young Inkling—even if you’re not a writer yourself.

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