
The 2020 Inklings Book Contest is open for submissions! Woohoo!

Between now and the deadline on 3/15/20, we’ll be posting a few mini-lessons to help you prepare for the contest. Today, we’re talking about the concept of “Show, Don’t Tell.” Watch the video below and you can use the interactive activity below to capture your ideas and thoughts.

If you’d like to dive into ALL of our prep-lessons, sign up for our free Inklings Book Contest Prep Course. It will take from start to finish and even help you revise and format your work for submission.



All right… let’s get started… 🎉

What does it mean to show rather than tell? Honestly, we all know showing is more powerful than telling, but sometimes it’s difficult to sort out which is which in your own writing. One way to show is to put your character in motion. You can use the way they eat a sandwich, pack their backpack, or wander through a museum to show us everything we need to know about how they feel. In this mini-lesson, we’ll get practical about how to find pesky telling in your writing, and then how to transform those moments into well-crafted scenes that can spring to life in a reader’s mind. Love before-and-after makeover shows? If so, this revision session is for you.

Take Your Thinking Further …

Try this interactive writing activity!

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Fantastic, Inkling! Remember, you’ve got two paths to choose today… click below to either sign up for our FREE prep course or submit your finished work. We can’t wait to read what you’ve written.