
Idea Storm

Let’s get started!

We’ll start with you. In this quick-paced game, you’ll brainstorm experiences from your own life that have the potential to spark exciting story ideas.


Next, make the most of your strengths.

Even if you don’t think about it often, you’re an expert in a lot of things. Maybe you’re an expert little sister, or an expert dog-walker, or even an expert bee-sting avoider. In this next game, you’ll think about all of those skills that make you YOU. They’re excellent inspiration for stories, too.


What do you love, love, love?

As an author, you get to step into story worlds that light you up and make you smile. The best way to start is with a giant list of all your favorite things. Then, you can pick and choose to design a story that will be a blast to write and share.


Now, let’s sail away on swirls of imagination.

What if …? It’s a powerful question, and one that can launch thousands of story possibilities. In this game, we’ll let our imaginations take the lead and see where they may take us.


Last, but not least …

We’ll sketch a bird’s eye view of your bedroom, and see what stories ideas your stuff might inspire you to create. Grab a pencil, your Idea Storm pages, and press play to get started.


Visit the Idea Lab

How do you take this pile of possibilities and tranform them into a story concept? Come on in to the Idea Lab, where we’ll show you how to mix, match, alter, and otherwise make use of the inspiration you collected today. 

Remember, the Idea Storm is only the start. You’ve collected tons of ideas, but the real magic happens when you start transforming those ideas into your next story.

P.S. Society of Young Inklings is a Society. We’re a community of writers, and that means we want to hear from you. So, don’t be a stranger!

Submit your writing for one of our monthly Ink Splat challenges, or even better, for our free-to-all annual Inklings Book Contest.

Learn more about the contest here.