We are thrilled to introduce you to our newest published author, Sarah Lin! Sarah recently published her book, Abigail’s Dream, through our Fresh Ink publishing program. In Fresh Ink, youth authors with a completed novel draft are mentored through a chapter-by-chapter revision process. At the end of the program, the author is guided through the publication process resulting in an ink-and-paper book they can hold in their hands and share with other readers! We interviewed Sarah about her experience in the program. Keep reading to learn more about Sarah’s book and Fresh Ink.

Interview with Sarah Lin

Tell us about your book.

Abigail’s Dream is about a girl named Abigail (Abby) who wants to be an astronaut when she grows up. She loves playing astronauts with her best friends, Izze and Cameron. Then, Abigail has the chance to go to space. But when she gets there, she has a hard time getting back.

Who is your favorite character in your book and why?

My favorite character in my book is Alicen (school bully) because she finds the courage to apologize to Abigail for what she did to her and even become her friend in the future.

What problems did you run into in your revision and how did you resolve them?

A problem that I ran into was that when I tried to do an adult’s dialogue, it turned out to be abnormal. I solved this problem by my mom explaining the difference between the reactions and dialogues of children and adults. Then, I tried my best to revise.

 What is something that surprised you about revising?

Something that surprised me in my revision is that I didn’t know that I would have almost double the words after. Also, many scenes got much more detailed.

Grab your copy of Abigali’s Dream by Sarah Lin online at Bookshop.org or request a copy from your favorite indie bookstore.

Are you ready to publish your novel?

It’s time to take your novel, and your writerly skillset, to the next level! In the Fresh Ink Program, professional writers mentor youth through a chapter-by-chapter revision process which results in a printed or published book available through independent bookstores and other retailers. Through Fresh Ink, you will: complete a full novel revision, take your writing skills to the next level, and learn what it takes to publish a book