
Whether you realize it or not, you’re a creative hero on a quest.

Maybe you have a ton of time for creativity this year, and maybe you have only the tiniest bit. Whatever your situation, your opportunities and limitations are part of your epic story. Along with your gifts and your dreams, what you have to work with this year–exactly the way it is–is the beginning of your story.


And where will that story lead?

You can let the year lead you wherever it may go, or you can chart your own path. If you choose to chart a path, you can point yourself toward a North Star that truly matters to you.

What kind of North Star?

Maybe you want to remember how to have fun with your writing. Or finally finish that big project you’ve been dreaming about for so long. Now may be the time to focus on your unique voice, and on discovering the stories that only you can tell. Only you can pinpoint the just-right North Star to fit where you are right now.

Become the author of your year.

When you create an Odyssey Plan, you become the author of your year. You pinpoint the beginning of your story by determining where you are right now. Then, you sketch out a plot by defining your project, some key milestones, and your North Star. Your North Star is especially important because like any hero you might write about, you can’t know exactly the path your journey will take ahead of time. That’s the fun of a story. You make a plan and follow where it leads.

Are you ready to design YOUR Odyssey Plan?

Design your Odyssey Plan on your own using the free tools we’ve put together for you.
Or, if you prefer, you can design an Odyssey Plan with mentor support.