2017 Inklings Book Contest finalist: Adelle Kang

2017 Inklings Book Contest finalist: Adelle Kang

Today we are featuring Inklings Book Contest 2017 finalist, Adelle Kang! Adelle finished 3rd grade this past school year. The story she submitted is called “Switched Jerseys” We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did!
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Switched Jerseys

by Adelle Kang

Chapter 1

+++++Adelle, a girl in the All-star National Junior Basketball team was going Los Angeles to compete against a famous team. The coaches didn’t tell the players the name of it. Adelle’s team players were on their way in an airplane. Suddenly, Adelle desperately needed to go to the restroom. She stood up to go, but she bumped into a very tall person. She saw that it was Stephen Curry, her future beloved husband! He was wearing a Blue Golden State Warrior jersey. Adelle stood there, frozen. She couldn’t believe her eyes! It was actually Stephen Curry standing right there in front of her! She said, “Hi” very quietly. Stephen warmly greeted her back. For a couple minutes, they had a conversation about their basketball games they were going to have in Los Angeles. Their jersey numbers were both the same, 30. Adelle was too startled to remember that she had to go to the restroom. She headed straight back to her seat, still as startled as before. She started yawning and she thought to herself, that it would be a good idea to have a good nap for her big game the next day. She took off her jersey and wrapped herself in a cozy warm blanket. She put away her jersey in a little cubby in the back of the airplane. The next morning, when they had landed, Stephen went to wear his jersey. He picked up Adelle’s instead, thinking it was his because they had the same number! He didn’t know until he went to the restroom to change. Suddenly he remembered that jersey belonged to the girl he had bumped into the other day. He hurried off the plane to find the little girl. His jersey was too small for him which made his belly button show. Everyone started staring him because he was famous and also because of his belly button. He remembered when Adelle said she was going to play her game in the LA main gym, so he made his way there. When he arrived, he saw that Adelle was practicing for a game. The jersey was too big for her. She tripped over the long jersey when she was running back and forth. She also had a different team jersey, too. Oh no! Curry called her over to switch their jerseys. Their games were about to start in five minutes. They needed to rush. If they didn’t hurry to their games, they would be canceled because they were both the best in their teams. They needed to win their games because they were very important ones. If they lost, they would never get to play again. Curry explained how he accidentally took her jersey. Adelle said, “It is fine, but I think we need to hurry!!!” They went to the restrooms to change.

Chapter 2

+++++All the bathroom stalls were locked. They thought that they were going to miss their game. They were in a panic now. Adelle was really scared. They tried to open the locker room, it was closed too. What were they going to go? Their games started in two minutes. Curry and Adelle stared at each other with their eyes wide open in fear of not making it on time. After about a few seconds, Curry said, “We have no choice.” Adelle and Curry were about to change where they were because they knew their games were more important. When they were about to switch jerseys, Adelle’s coach found her and told her that she needed to go right now, so they hurried up and left. When they got into the gym, they found out that they were going to play against each other! Since they didn’t have the time to change into their original jerseys, the players in Curry’s team passed the ball to Adelle because she was still in the wrong jersey. Luckily, Adelle’s team didn’t get confused by Curry wearing Adelle’s jersey because his belly button showed up. And he was too tall to be mistaken for Adelle. Adelle blended in with Curry’s team because she was fast. She zoomed past them and she SCORED! Adelle’s team had won! She never dreamed that she would beat Curry! Adelle and Curry shook hands and they decided to change clothes now. To this day, they laugh and talk about the first day they met. They married and lived happily ever after, playing basketball together every day.