
The Inklings Book Contest will be here before we know it! Many of our Inklings are starting to work on stories and poems to submit. But what if you have so many ideas you have no idea which one to choose? Not to worry! In this quick video, we share three tips to help you make your decision.



P.S. Parents, educators … if the creative youth in your life have the opposite problem, and their minds are blank pages, we have just the thing. Help them kick-start their creativity with this Laugh Zone brainstorming activity. Enter your email below to give it a try! Why focus on funny? Well… even serious stories benefit from a little laughter now and then. Plus, a belly-laugh shakes loose all sorts of ideas.

If you’re 13 or younger, you’ll need a guardian to use their email and fill out this form for you. This extra step helps keep you safe online.