
Meet Bella! As a Drafting Workshop member, Bella connects with other passionate youth creative writers in our online writer’s community. She enjoys our live activity sessions and author interviews and also benefits from encouragement and collaboration with her creative peers. Bella also meets with a mentor once a month as part of her Drafting Workshop membership. We asked her a few questions about her life as an Inkling. Enjoy getting to know Bella!

What inspired you to join the Inklings community?

I have always loved writing and reading, but before Young Inklings never really pursued it by taking any classes or anything. When I joined Young Inklings, I had so many great resources and ways to become a better writer.


What’s one dream you’ve pursued while taking part in our Society?

A dream I have pursued is finishing writing projects and becoming more confident in sharing my writing! With help from my mentor and Young Inklings, I have become more confident in sharing my writing with others and along with that have submitted a short story to a contest for the first time!


Why is that dream important to you?

I love writing, writing is so important, it makes me feel like I can create worlds and people that come to life.


How has the Inklings community supported you and your dream?

What Young Inklings has done is push me along, push me towards my goal of becoming an author and creating things I love! I would have never gotten to where I was without Young Inklings. They helped me finish a story I enjoyed and submit it to a contest, even though I was afraid to. My mentor has also helped me in so many ways of starting new stories and ideas and getting my mind moving! It’s really great having a community of writers to back me up!


How have you grown while pursuing this dream?

One way I have grown is just becoming a more skilled writer. I feel like I’ve grown a lot in my writing and being able to feel good about it.


What’s next? What’s your vision?

My vision is to one day be able to publish with Young Inklings! I love that I may have the opportunity to do that!


How can the Inklings community support you in activating that vision?

Young Inklings can and has helped me learn about writing, feel inspired, supported and I know that there is a possibility of me publishing through them! Thank you Young Inklings!



Support Grit, Empathy, and Vision through Creative Writing

When passionate youth mentor with talented pros, they not only grow as writers, but they develop core skills that affect every area of their lives.  In Inklings programs, youth learn practical strategies for developing as artists, gain creative momentum, and tap into the power of their voices as they share their work with peers and a reading audience. Thank you for our financial support of Society of Young Inklings.