Kelsey was a big part of our inspiration to invite all of our Inklings to take on a passion project this summer. Kelsey has been working on her passion project, a picture book titled Natalie the Narwhal, for quite some time. Recently, she signed up for an Inklings mentorship because she wanted to take her story and artwork to the next level.
As an Inklings mentor, I find it particularly exciting to dig into a project that is uniquely suited to a youth writer. Maybe the topic of the book is close to the writer’s heart. Or maybe the format of the book engages a blend of the writer’s talents and abilities. When a passion project is a fit, it fills a creator (of any age) with enthusiasm and energy.
Kelsey and I are delighted to share our conversation with you in the hopes that it may spark ideas about what kind of passion project may be the right fit for you.
Summer is coming … will you take on a passion project with the Inklings community? We hope you will!
Your Summer Passion Project
Are you ready to get started with your own summer passion project?
You’re invited to a 100% free opportunity to get some feedback on your project, including a few Inklings resources including ideas for getting started, keeping your momentum high, and finishing strong.