

A challenge for every writer

Whether you’re looking to dive into a big project, a self-serve online course, or long-term individualized attention, there’s an Inklings program for you.

Inklings Book Contest

Enter our annual poetry and short story contest today! Whether you write stories or poems or both, whether your words are funny, heartfelt, imaginative, or true-to-life, there’s a place for you in the Inklings Book Contest. Every 3rd-9th grade writer who enters will receive feedback. That means this contest is a win-win, for every applicant!

Inklings Membership

When you join Society of Young Inklings, you’ll join a group of creative writers who are committed and passionate about their writing, just like you. Our membership community includes: A monthly journaling challenge, two live sessions per month – an author interview and a peer collaboration session, an active community discussion area where you can share your writing and get feedback, join in on the conversation about author interviews and live sessions, and more!

Creative Writing Mentorship

Work one-on-one with a mentor weekly or bi-weekly on the project of your choice. You can dip a toe into for a short, exploratory project, or a craft you can develop over time. With that in mind, our mentorship program offers a structured learning process that can be customized to each youth writer’s interests, goals, and ambitions.

Publish Your Work

Every writer dreams of holding a finished ink-and-paper book in their hands
But why should youth wait until they’re adults for that dream to come true? In the Fresh Ink Publishing Program, you’ll work with a professional through the revision process and ultimately, hold your published book in your hands.

Why online programs?

Online tools make it possible for busy authors and pros to work and connect with youth even if they don’t live in the same neighborhood. The added plus we didn’t even expect? Video conferencing and Google docs make collaboration even more comfortable for mentors and youth, upping focus, specificity of instruction, and growth. A win-win!