
Inklings Book 2014


Be swept away by this decadent collection of stories and stories. Between these covers, twenty-six imaginative first-eighth grade Inklings and their author-mentors give readers a peek behind the scenes of their revision processes, along with their finished masterpieces. Writers, beware! No matter how old you are, this anthology is sure to inspire you to head back to your desk, to pour words onto the page and to dig deep as you revise.



The Inklings Book 2014 is the result of our annual Inklings Book Contest. Youth writers from around the world submitted stories and poems to be considered, and 26 youth writers were chosen to be featured in the book. Each youth author worked with a mentor to revise their winning pieces, and the results are here for your reading delight! The stories and poems are complemented by interviews with each author, along with a letter from their insightful mentors about the revision process. Along with being a thumping good read, the book is stuffed full of writing craft insight and practical strategies that you can try in your own writing.

The anthology includes work by these Young Inklings: Carmen Bechtel, Mickayla Blake, Joseph Brentjens, Sophia Calegari, Suvali Chadha, Joannah Cisneros, Shaheen Cullen-Baratloo, Kayla Davis, Ainsley Dillon, Ellen Eckert, Naomi Fuller, Sankalpa Guitam, Benjamin Huang, Kevin Ma, Amann Mahajan, Elle Marsyla, Lauren Massie, Sandhya Sundaram, Alister Sharp, Cameron Shaw, Kaya Shin-Sherman, Anya Singh, Kevin Stovich, Adrien Villanueva, Natalie Wong, and Emma Zhao.

Their mentors include: J.J. Austrian, Andrew Avallone, Melinda R. Cordell, Mandy Davis, Meridith Donahue, Frances Lee Hall, Ann Jacobus, Elizabeth Jellison, Naomi Kinsman, Sara Kvols, Jennifer Mazi, Polly McCann, Erica McCuaig, Jane O’Reilly, Helen Pyne, Sarah Lyn Rogers, Jessica Senn, Kelly Smith, Andrew Steeves, and Kristi Wright.

Learn more about the Inklings Book Contest here.