
We asked some of our Inklings how it feels to be stuck.


“Like an elephant sitting on your head.”

“Like trying to speak a language you don’t know.”

“Like someone turns off a light in your brain.”


Ideas are everywhere, but sometimes when we most need them, they scuttle away and hide. Other times, the trouble is that we have too many ideas. Which one should we choose?


Here are some other thoughts about how stuck feels:


“Like staring at strobe lights.”

“The way you feel when your pen runs out of ink in an in-class essay.”

“Like being without an umbrella on a rainy day.”


Confused, lost, frustrated, miserable … these are not productive ways to feel! Still, stuck happens, no matter how creative you are.  When we find sticky problems at Society of Young Inklings, we like to ask ourselves “How might we…?” questions. For instance:

How might we help ourselves get unstuck more easily, and have fun doing it?


Colorful tornado-style icon with the words "Idea Storm" in a brush-like font. Society of Young Inklings' Idea Storm helps you work through your creatively stuck moments.


That’s why we invented the Idea Storm. We’ve played our way through the Idea Storm with hundreds (possibly thousands!) of youth writers and the games and brainstorming activities always lead to “Eureka!” moments. The Idea Storm is our secret tool for unsticking even the most stubborn stuck moments. And now, it’s available as an online masterclass that you can play your way through whenever you need an extra burst of inspiration.


The big ideas in your heart and head matter. Don’t let stuck moments keep you from sharing them with the world. Try out the Idea Storm today!


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