
Today we are featuring Inklings Book Contest 2018 finalist, Elaina Xu! Elaina finished 4th grade this past school year. The poem she submitted is called “Love.”  Our judges described Elaina’s poem as a “…beautiful poem with lovely comparisons.” Enjoy!


Love is as beautiful as the pink blossoms of a cherry tree.
It is as cozy as a blue blanket with white polka-dots.
Love is as soft as an orange striped cat in need of a haircut.
It is like a teacher, smiling at her working pupils.
Love is like a mom, giving the best to her child.

Love is a blank piece of paper, eager to be written on.
It is an unknown species, waiting to be discovered.
Love is a ball of clay that can be broken apart and put back together.
It is a strong, tall totem pole, standing for all to see.
Love is a violin, giving sweet music to each and everyone.

Love soars high in the air with the eagles in the sky.
It walks with you and your dog on a warm summer morning.
Love swims with the dolphins in the vast blue ocean.
It guides us through the stories and paths of life.

Wondering how to support the youth writer in your life? We can help! Check out our cheat-sheet below which will help you have creative, writerly conversations with your Young Inkling—even if you’re not a writer yourself.

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